PDB offers a 12-week program that restores and revitalizes your body, mind and spirit. It is a wellness intensive that is uniquely created for you based on your goals, needs, and desires. Pulling from a myriad of healing modalities and practitioners, clients will challenge their body, cleanse their mind, and free their spirit while creating new daily patterns and shifting old paradigms for a bright and healthy future.

The PDB Mind/Body Wellness Program focuses on four pillars of health.

1. Body/Movement

2. Fitness/Strength

3. Nutrition/Health

4. Spirit/Life Balance

Each pillar has multiple modalities to help each client reach their wellness goals. Weekly one-on-one consultations are a critical piece to the success of the program.

Connect with Pam to create your personal Mind/Body Wellness Program. Now is your time to experience your Pure Dynamic Body!